Giuseppe Ateniese

Mason CYSE professor Giuseppe Ateniese
Titles and Organizations

Professor and Eminent Scholar, Department of Cyber Security Engineering and Department of Computer Science

Contact Information

Building: 339 Research Hall, Fairfax
MSN: 6B1
Phone: (703) 993-6758

Personal Websites

In the News


In addition to being a Professor and Eminent Scholar in Cyber Security Engineering, Giuseppe Ateniese is also a CCI Faculty Fellow in the Computer Science and Cyber Security Engineering departments. Ateniese was a Farber Endowed Chair in computer science and department chair at the Stevens Institute of Technology. In addition, he was with Sapienza-University of Rome, an assistant/associate professor at John Hopkins University, and one of the John Hopkins University Information Security Institute founders.


  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Genoa (2000)

Research Interests

  • Cloud Security
  • Cybersecurity
  • Applied Cryptography

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