Craig Lorie

Titles and Organizations

Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Volgenau

Contact Information

Phone: 703-993-9616
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Nguyen Engineering Building
Room 3221
Mail Stop: 1G5

Personal Websites


For Craig Lorie, extensive work in the electrical engineering field naturally cultivated a love for software engineering. While it has been rare to find commercial positions that integrate the two disciplines in the past, advancing technologies will require greater attention to combining digital systems with design. This challenge is ultimately what brought him back to the classroom at George Mason University, as an adjunct faculty teaching digital systems. He joined the full-time faculty at the Volgenau School of Engineering in 2009. He considers himself a lifelong student and continues his education in subjects such as Java, C, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology. His future goals include building code for bioinformatics solutions and applications.


2013 - 2016 : Designing Teaching: Scaling up the SIMPLE Design Framework for Interactive Teaching Development. Funded by National Science Foundation.

Research Interests

Computer Networks and Architectures


  • PhD, Electrical Engineering, University of Virginia