Kathryn Laskey

Kathryn Laskey
Titles and Organizations

Professor, Systems Engineering and Operations Research, Volgenau
Associate Director, C4I Center, Volgenau

Contact Information

Phone: (703) 993-1644
Campus: Fairfax
Building: Nguyen Engineering Building
Room 2214
Mail Stop: 4A6


With just a swipe or a keystroke, citizens of the Information Age expect instant access to vast stores of knowledge. Turning that expectation into reality is Kathryn Laskey’s passion. She develops methods for transforming data from a variety of sources into information to answer our questions and improve our decisions. She has applied her research to areas as diverse as detecting insider threats in information systems, predicting innovations in science and technology, protecting soldiers from improvised explosive devices, and understanding airline delays.

In the classroom, Laskey strives to unlock each student’s unique potential and to spark in students the excitement she feels about the subject matter. While the ultimate responsibility and the ultimate reward lie with the student, a teacher can do much to facilitate or to repress a student's joy in learning and willingness to grow.

Laskey serves on the Board of Directors of the International Society of Information Fusion, the Association for Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, and the Washington Metropolitan Area chapter of the International Council on Systems Engineering. She has over 150 peer-reviewed publications.


Research Interests

C4I, Command and Control, Military Operations Research, Data Mining, Big Data, Data Analytics, Decision Analysis and Support Systems, Model-Based Systems Engineering, Probabilistic Modeling & Simulation, Pattern Recognition & Machine Learning, Statistical Learning, Predictive Analytics, Crowdsourcing, Artificial Intelligence, Semantic Web, Knowledge Engineering, and Systems Architecture.


  • PhD, Statistics and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
  • MS, Mathematics, University of Michigan
  • BS, Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh